Tales of Insecurity – Short Poem

Poetry, Stories

Tales of insecurity, my mind is weighing in on me.

A passing statement made. The words linger on and cripple me.

What did they even mean by that? And why said in that tone?

I dialogue internally to calculate my wrongs.

Anxiety lies over me, like fresh snowfall on mountain peaks.

No matter how I shovel it, for days it will lie over me.

And when it does, my heart rate shoots up and gets me flustered,

I feel a mess and feel trapped, like trying to swim through custard.

“He’s looking at me funny!” Or “She laughed in my direction!”

My over-active self-conscience, my hearts endless inspection.

In search of inner bliss, my own thoughts I try ignore,

Like pushing bills off to the side, the pile will only grow.

A slow steady drip of sweat, slowly lines my brow,

And as I wipe my weary face, the sweat drenches my towel,

My thoughts like cards I hold close, to try not to expose,

As still I journey in my quest, to find inner repose.

©2015, by Gome

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

[Original image courtesy of: http://livelaughlovepost.com/2014/03/stop-feeling-insecure-in-your-relationships.html%5D

5 thoughts on “Tales of Insecurity – Short Poem

  1. This is really good. And perfectly describes spiritual warfare and closely related to what so many people go through. Many are afraid to admit they have thoughts of insecurity, anxiety etc.. But in life we all do. So real! Great poem.

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